Master Ball Dev Pokedex : Mamoswine | Dev Pokedex

Minggu, 17 Juni 2012

0 Dev Pokedex : Mamoswine

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Species: Twin Tusk Pokémon 
Evolves From: Piloswine
Evolves Into: None
Icon(s): 473.png 
Type(s): Ice/Ground 
Height: 8'02"]
Weight: 641.5 lbs.
Abilities: Oblivious , Snow Cloak , Thick Fat (Dream World) 
Gender: 50% Male |  50% Female

  • Appearance

    Mamoswine looks like a woolly mammoth, and has two tusks. The tusks are much larger than those of Piloswine and seem to be shifted downward.
The tusks of the male are larger than those of the female. The tusks are made from solid ice instead of dentin like most teeth are.

  • Evolution

  Mamoswine is the evolved form of Piloswine by leveling it up and teaching it AncientPower. Mamoswine is the final evolutionary form of Swinub




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